October 12, 2006

Bloody nora...already?

Woke up this afternoon (nightshift) to discover that we had our first snow flurries in the city today.


And so it begins.

I used to absolutely love the snow - in part due to the fact that I grew up in an area of England that is protected by the Pennines and snow fall was neglible. We could count the number of times it snowed a year on one hand, and if the snow actually covered the lawn, without blades of grass poking through it was a total event. Blizzard even! Derby snow however never lasted more that a couple of days, and then life could continue on as usual. I loved the snow! It would generate the kind of excitement inside me that makes small dogs pee on the spot. (There's a nice visual for you.) As kids we'd pray for enough snow to at least make a small snowman without having to nick snow off the neighbour's lawn too.

Then I moved to Canada.


Anonymous said...

You're just making me jealous now! But it's true, that fact that it's quite a rare event back in England makes it more exiting. Sill moving to Norway if we win the lottery though!


JustSue said...

LOL Paulie...
I expected that from "the Yorkshire Snowman" ...nice to see you are blogging again.

gemmak said...

Snow! I want snow! Having only ever experienced the 'Derby' kinda snow I wanna be in Canada now! lol